Consulting Services

Consulting ServicesOMNILINK’s consultancy team works with government and business to review location centric technology and data management processes to improve outcomes for end users and business. With over 30 years of experience in property and location data management, OMNILINK is well placed to be a reliable and independent adviser.

Geospatial Consulting Services

OMNILINK provides professional business and technical consulting services in the areas of property and location data, geographical information system implementation and management, data management and solution/services procurement. Well-versed in all current GIS products and capabilities, OMNILINK can provide advice as to the best solution to suit each organisation’s requirements. OMNILINK’s consulting experience can provide an organisation with advice on system architecture, operating environments, databases and deployment methods and importantly data and management procedures. In addition, OMNILINK provides specific services including but not limited to: GIS Snapshot Reviews and Data Survey Services.

Data Management Services

OMNILINK has specialist skills in property and location data management. We assist organisations in the management of information – both within their own environments as well as externally. Data Management planning provides a framework for the update of data into your information system in a cohesive and consistent manner. Data Maintenance is conducted by a team of skilled data managers and analysts who provide services in the area of data update and enhancement and the incorporation of these datasets into corporate databases. Data Management is provided by OMNILINK as an on-going service to customers who wish to outsource the day to day requirements of keeping their systems updated.

Location Integration Services

With over 30 years of working with property and location data, OMNILINK is the Australasian leader in the integration of location referenced data for government and business. With our experience in data, systems, standards and importantly business outcomes, OMNILINK is well placed to add a location to your data. OMNILINK’s expertise and partnerships with PSMA (Australia’s source for authoritative locations datasets) and Visual Crossing (adding a mapping dimension to Business Intelligence), provide some of the best platforms to maximise the location dimension of your data.

Address Validation Services

OMNILINK is Australasia’s data and information management company of choice for public and private organisations. OMNILINK has proven processes to cleanse spatial data, process address data for geo-coding purposes and create geospatial references to data. OMNILINK has also been recognised by PSMA as a Gold Level certified systems integrator of PSMA data.

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